Friday, January 21, 2022

Book Review: Trust by Jean Davis

Trust (The Narvan Book 1)Trust by Jean Davis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A fast-paced, good read. Jean Davis’s 'Trust' is my favorite type of SciFi: foreign worlds, multiple races, and intriguing abilities and technology. I picked this book because I enjoyed another book by Davis (The Last God). I would recommend both books to anyone who enjoys traveling to other worlds and tales about the complications of love and war.

Vayen is a survivor and always has been. No matter what women, partners, or secret government agencies throw at him, he finds a way to rise above. (Not that he doesn’t hit rock bottom on more than one occasion.

It was difficult to put this book down. I will definitely be following the rest of the series.

The title is an interesting connection to the story. I find myself wondering why 'Trust?' I think it does push me to reflect on the characters’ arcs. In that capacity, the title is perfect.

I noticed a couple of editing errors, but none were distracting or annoying. The first-person perspective is perfect for the story and the reader feels everything as the characters do. The world-building is weighted mostly towards systems and technology and not as much environment or scenery, but there were enough details to give me a picture of how each world was different, particularly the architecture. (Same with ships.) I have a feeling more of this will be visualized in later books in the series as the author further explores the Narvan.

I am mostly satisfied with the ending, I think the story wraps up well, if not a little too quickly. But that matches the overall pace.

I do read for pleasure but also to study the craft of storytelling. I think Davis is an excellent science fiction storyteller and a good inspiration for other writers.

Final Note: I love her cover art!

View all my reviews

I read this book as part of my SpaceTime Reading Challenge. To view my progress or sign up, visit the post.

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